Opportunity to Mentor Young Science Students

New Haven Science Fair 

Mentors Needed! 

Time commitment: 4-6 months, 1hr/week

Through the New Haven Science Fair program, we aim to improve science education for grades Pre-K through 12. As a mentor, you will have the opportunity to help teachers and students create great science projects! Your time commitment for the program is usually around 1hr/week, but we can work with teachers if you want to commit to a different schedule.

Christin Arnini is the Mentor Coordinator for this program, matching and coordinating mentor-teacher relationships. She is also available to provide support to mentors with any issues relating to operations of this program. You can contact her with questions at: nhsciencefair@gnhcc.com

You can find additional information on our website: http://www.nhsciencefair.org/being-a-mentor

Here is the link to fill out an application: http://www.nhsciencefair.org/mentor-application  (You can choose a subject area and age group you would like to work with.)

Thanks for your being a part of the New Haven Science Fair Program!