Field Trip Report – Massaro Farms, Woodbridge – May 15, 2016

There were fifteen participants on this mid-afternoon walk on the Massaro Farm property in Woodbridge.  The farm is community-supported and is open to the public. There are weedy fields, farm fields, and wet woodlands.  We hiked through some of the fields, and then walked the nature trail through the woods. Despite the cool, blustery day, we saw a number of interesting birds, including Broad-winged Hawk, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Baltimore Oriole, Wood Thrush, Northern Parula, and Savannah Sparrow. A total of 31 species were observed. Many of the participants were beginning birders, so they were quite delighted to see all of these showy representatives of the avian world.  They’ll be out birding again!

Chris Loscalzo